
Enrolling at Kempsey

To enrol at Kempsey Adventist School (KAS) all students are required to complete an application for enrolment form which is available from the school office or from this website (see above). This form must be completed and returned, together with their birth certificate, and their last two school reports and NAPLAN reports, if applicable, from the school the student previously attended. Immunisation records and any medical reports or court orders must also be provided at this time.

We value families, and believe that it is the combined effort of the school and family that completes a child’s education. It is important, therefore, that each family meets with the school principal or deputy principal prior to enrolment. Once an application has been lodged, families will be contacted to attend an enrolment interview. Students must have completed the registration process and obtained final enrolment approval before commencing classes.

Conditions of Enrolment

KAS is open to all families who wish to provide their children with quality, Christian education. Enrolments are accepted without regard to religion, ethnic background or nationality.

KAS operates not only for the members of the Adventist community, but also for students in the broader community who are committed to the values and the ethos of the school. While there is no religious test applied to applicants, all students are expected to be respectful and live in harmony with the standards and regulations of the school. They are also expected to participate in the life and program of the school, including devotional activities, chapel and Religion classes.


KAS Pre-Kindy fees are $30 per day.

Several payment options are available:

  • Option A: Fees are paid up-front for the year
  • Option B: Fees are paid up-front for the term
  • Option C: You may arrange weekly, fortnightly, or monthly direct debit payments

It is important that you notify the KAS office of the payment option you intend to use. Fees are changed on an annual basis at the beginning of each school year with a statement issued each term until your account is settled.

All family accounts are required to be paid in full by the end of November.

School Tuition

A non-refundable enrolment deposit of $100 per child is payable upon acceptance of enrolment offer.

Additional Fees

Several payment options are available:

  • Option A: Fees are paid up-front for the year
  • Option B: Fees are paid up-front for the term
  • Option C: You may arrange weekly, fortnightly, or monthly direct debit payments

It is important that you notify the KAS office of the payment option you intend to use. Fees are changed on an annual basis at the beginning of each school year with a statement issued each term until your account is settled.

All family accounts are required to be paid in full by the end of November.

Discounts & Subsidies

KAS is committed to making quality Christian education affordable to as many students as possible, and for many families, private school fees can be a significant investment. For this reason, we provide sibling discounts to assist families as well as employer subsidies, and a generous scholarship program is available to eligible students. To assist families in meeting the cost of education, a direct debit system is available which allows payments to be spread equally across the school year.

Prompt Payment Discounts

A prompt payment discount of 10% on tuition fees is applied if the full years fees have been received at KAS by the 2nd Friday of the school year. 

It is the responsibility of the fee-payer to ensure fees are received by the school by the discount deadline. Family accounts with outstanding balances are not eligible for this discount. Detailed information on discounts and subsidies is available from the Bursar’s Office or by phoning 02 6562 7023.


Kempsey Adventist School (KAS) believes in the development of the individual student in all aspects of human endeavour; academic, spiritual, emotional, physical and social. We believe that these characteristics are best developed in a Christ-centred, service focused and caring environment.

Our scholarship program aims to encourage students to develop these essential characteristics, and to build a community of students who will strengthen and support our school culture in this direction.

Payment Options

KAS creates an annual fee statement at the beginning of the year to assist families with their budgeting.  This statement will show all anticipated charges for the year and provide a number of payment options.

Fee instalments can be made as follows:

It is important that you notify the KAS office at the beginning of the year, before the first due date, of the payment option you intend to use.

Payment may be made by cash, cheque, direct debit and credit card. Variation from a pre-arranged payment plan would need to be arranged with the Business Manager. Further information on fee payment is available from the school office.

Fee Support

Recognising that some families experience short term financial hardship, KAS has limited funding available to assist families experiencing genuine difficulties.  We are dedicated to ensuring that financial hardship is not the primary reason for students being unable to attend or remain at KAS.  In cases of genuine extreme hardship, assistance in meeting fees may be available. Families wishing to make application for fee remission should arrange an interview with the principal.